Study 2 given sources of information and write your essay ( 200-220 words) acco

April 25, 2024

Study 2 given sources of information and write your essay ( 200-220 words) according to the requirements. Give your essay a title.
Source 1
Greenwashing describes a false, misleading, or untrue action or set of claims made by an organization about the positive impact that a company, product, or service has on the environment. The company pretends that its actions are environmentally friendly when they are not. A common example of greenwashing is including buzzwords in product descriptions such as ‘eco’, ‘sustainable’, or ‘carbon neutral’ while the organisations responsible for these ‘green’ products have done very little or nothing to reduce their carbon footprint.(
Source 2
When buying something new, we consider the price, value, colour, and other factors that help us make our final decision. However, responsible shopping asks us to look more deeply than that. A responsible customer makes wise decisions, considering the human cost, quality, and low-environmental impact of the product. Like all sustainable travel and life practices, responsible shopping means doing research before buying and rethinking choices while looking for more eco-friendly alternatives. (

Follow the plan:
Paragraph 1 (Introduction):
Describe the issue raised in both sources; What could be the common problem – define it
Paragraph 2 (3):
Propose and support at least 2 solutions to the problem;
Paragraph 3 (4):
Summarize your opinion. Come to a conclusion.

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