Reading Response:”My best friendships happen online. That doesn’t make them less

May 5, 2024

Reading Response:”My best friendships happen online. That doesn’t make them less valid” byKate Leaver
In this writing assignment, you will be asked to write a short response to a reading assignment, in which you will share your reaction and your opinions on the text. This assignment will help you to do the following:
• Practice critical reading skills by evaluating the text and forming your own point of view
• Prepare to discuss the reading in class, where you will be invited to share your thoughts and listen to your classmates’ points of view
• Prepare for the next timed essay, in which you will be asked to write on a topic related to one or more of the reading assignments, and you will be asked to cite one or more of the reading assignments as sources
Before you begin, make sure you have carefully read “My best friendships happen online. That doesn’t make them less valid” byKate Leaver.
Word count: The entire assignment should be between 200-400 words.
1. Describe your reaction to the text as a whole. For example, did it make you think differently about the topic, and if so, how? Could you relate with anything the author said? Were there any points that you particularly agreed or disagreed with?
2. Choose a line of one to three sentences that particularly stood out to you. This could be something you strongly agree or disagree with, or something you found especially thought-provoking or well-worded. How does this line fit into the text as a whole? How does it support the main ideas?
3. Explain your reaction to the line you chose, and share how it connects to a personal experience or belief of yours. Explain if you learned something new from reading it, or what you think others should learn from it.
4. Write a question for your classmates asking for their opinions about the text. Your question does not have to be specifically about the line you chose; it could be about any part of the text, or the text as a whole.
This assignment is worth 10 points. In order to receive full credit, the assignment should do the following:
• Answer every part of the prompt
• Demonstrate reasonable comprehension of the reading assignment and critical thinking
• Express ideas clearly
• Meet the required word count
• Be in your own words and contain absolutely no plagiarism or AI-generated text

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