Presentation of the Findings This is a narrative assignment using the appropriat

May 18, 2024

Presentation of the Findings
This is a narrative assignment
using the appropriate template and headings.
Please review attached proposal MUST incorporate into this
The body of the document will
Presentation of the Findings = 36
·       Introductory paragraph – 1 Page
·       Overview of Themes Discovered – 5 Pages
·       Discussion of Themes – Provide a detailed discussion
of the findings organized by the themes discovered in the study. 10 pages
Organize the
discussion by themes discovered and present the results of the qualitative
Include the
results of all qualitative and quantitative analyses conducted for
triangulation in the discussion organized by themes discovered. For
quantitative analysis, include appropriate hypothesis testing and results.
Include a sample
of relevant direct quotations from participants to highlight the discovered
·       Relationship of Findings – Provide a detailed
discussion of how the findings relate to key areas from the research proposal. 15 pages
o   The Research Questions – Discuss how the findings
addressed each of the research questions. 3 pages
o   The Research Framework – Discuss how the findings
relate to each of the elements in the research framework. 3 pages
o   Anticipated Themes – Discuss how the findings relate
to the anticipated themes with a focus on any differences, unanticipated
themes, or missing themes. 3 pages
§  Transformational Leadership
§  Organizational Theory
§  Social Identity Theory
§  Change Management
o   The Problem – Discuss how the findings relate to the
problem being studied. 3 pages
o   The Literature – Discuss how the findings relate to
the literature with a focus on both similarities and differences. 3 pages
·       Summary of the Findings – Provide an overview of how
the findings addressed the problem being studied, the purpose of the research,
and the research questions. Highlight key conclusions drawn from the findings. 5

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