1. Choose a theme from myths, legends, folktales, language, shamanism, or folk r

May 24, 2024

1. Choose a theme from myths, legends, folktales, language, shamanism, or folk religions that are transmitted in your own country or region, without limiting to a specific country or region, and collect materials. 
2. Decide on a narrower theme to avoid being too broad. 
3. Discuss specifically from the perspective of comparison with other countries or regions. 
4. Investigate previous studies (be sure to cite sources). Find out who has already conducted what kind of research. 
5. Explain how the theme you are addressing differs from previous studies and what you want to clarify in this research. Write the report while utilizing previous studies. 
6. Also, describe what issues you want to address in future research or career, based on this research. 
7. The word count should be approximately 2000 words. 
8. Follow the format of introduction, main body, and conclusion.

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