Part 1 is uploaded below. I need part 1 to merge with part 2, so I need pages fo

April 26, 2024

Part 1 is uploaded below. I need part 1 to merge with part 2, so I need pages for part 2. This paper’s sources are the same as the paper from Part 1. Please use only those sources. Please follow the directions as written. For the advocacy part of this paper, my senator is Bob Menendez.
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It is a total of 12 pages part 1 should apart of this paper. 
dont mind the highlighted parts on pert 1 paper. 
For Part 2, papers must include: 
Part 1 of this assignment, incorporating a thorough description of the social problem, following all prompts from Part 1 of the assignment. It is expected that students will have modified and edited Part 1, based on graded feedback from the instructor.  
Thorough description of the federal policy that you introduced in Part 1 of the assignment.  
Identification of the title/name of policy.  
When and why was it developed.  
What are the major element/mandates of the policy? 
Describe the federal branch AND local NJ agency that oversees the implementation of this policy.  
Critical analysis of the adequacy of this policy.  
Citing recent research literature, how effective has the policy been in addressing the social problem? Be very specific about how the research measures efficacy of the policy.  
What outcomes inform the policy analysis? How adequate are these outcomes or indicators? 
How effective has the policy been in addressing issues related to any of the following: race/ethnicity, gender, sexual and gender diversity, socioeconomic class, political disenfranchisement, poverty and/or inequality; promotion of child well-being.  
Design and develop a hypothetical advocacy effort or infographic. Students do not need to implement this effort but should prepare as if it were being implemented. The advocacy effort must address how to improve the policy and/or how to better address the social problem. Choose one advocacy option from the list below.   
Write a 750-word letter to a Senator, Representative, State Assembly Representative. In the letter, you must articulate why you are choosing this recipient and why they are an appropriate outlet for improving the policy/addressing the social problem. 

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