YOU WILL READ A BOOK and will have to  use one, MLA-formatted document label and

May 7, 2024

YOU WILL READ A BOOK and will have to 
use one, MLA-formatted document
label and organize, so I know what you’re answering
look at these like in-class assignments, but edit for punctuation and grammar (so formal in-class assignments)
no one-word or short sentence answers
if you use quotes (you don’t have to), then use quotation marks and in-text citations, but only for page numbers, like this (47)
no need for a Works Cited page (unless you’re quoting from sources outside of the book)
10 points each
Chapter 7 — Escalation
Describe a class (at school) with good “flow” that you’ve had in the past (challenging enough but not too challenging).
Can the “near win” mentality (as the book describes it) be present in dating? Explain.
Chapter 8 — Cliffhangers
Talk about a time where the “Zeigarnik Effect” has applied to you.
Chapter 9 – Social Interaction
Is online interaction enough for you? If not, how do you go about solving this problem?
i also attached the book you will be reading in the file 

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