Identify at least three other ways patriotism is demonstrated in our culture, provide a description as to why these are symbols of patriotism, and describe them as either material or non-material.

February 2, 2023

Watch this video and respond to these questions
We are all familiar with patriotic symbols of our culture. The U.S. flag, singing the anthem at football games, crossing the heart during the pledge of allegiance are patriotic acts that reflect both material and non-material culture. Identify at least three other ways patriotism is demonstrated in our culture, provide a description as to why these are symbols of patriotism, and describe them as either material or non-material. (Minimum 200 words.)
We discussed in a previous module the power of the media to influence our culture. Consider these patriotic symbols – could these symbols be considered as a form of influence from the government? Why? Why not? (Minimum 100 words.)
What governments around the world would you think are highly motivated to use patriotic symbols and media influence to effect the opinions of the citizens of that county? Provide at least three examples and describe why these countries are using such influences.
Examine the difference between material and non-material culture in your world. Identify 10 objects that are a part of your regular cultural experience. For each object, identify what aspects of material and non-material culture (values and beliefs) that these objects represent. (Minimum 250 words.)
What has this exercise revealed to you about your culture? (Minimum 150 words).

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