you must cite the assigned reading(s) you discuss in the essay, and any outside

May 9, 2024

you must cite the assigned reading(s) you discuss in the essay, and any outside sources you use, following MLA citation format.
Requirement 1: When you write on any piece of assigned work on the course, you must use the assigned edition, and cite that edition in the essay when you give page numbers for your quotations, and list the assigned edition on the Works Cited page. Otherwise we will not accept your essay. Requirement 2: You must quote from each and every assigned work you write on in your essay. Otherwise we will not accept your essay.
INSTRUCTIONS: Write a research essay of at least 1500 words. You must cite research from at least two different sources—the research cannot be all from one book, journal, or website, even if you use separate articles from the book, journal or website.
Topic: Analyze and evaluate the reception of one of Washington Square. That is, was the book well reviewed upon first publication, did it sell well, what aspects of it did the readers/ reviewers of the time focus on, and what did they tend to overlook? How do your reaction and focus compare to theirs?

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