I have written a paper and my professor gave the following feedback, I need help

April 19, 2024

I have written a paper and my professor gave the following feedback, I need help adding her recomendations to the paper.
*You have mentioned your articles and what they are about, however, when they implemented MPTs, did they have an improvement in CKD management, reduction of omplications, and improvement in QOL? If so was there a 75% improvement, 25% improvement, what are the findings?
You have not explained the findings of your chosen articles. You have mentioned interventions and what they entail. You need to pick 1 intervention and have 2 articles on that intervention and not what they found when they implemented that intervention. The outcome should go hand in hand with your mentioned outcome. You have not noted which one is most credible.
*You have noted the relevance of the articles, but what about the relevance of the articles findingss? How are the findings relevant.
Previous Comments
You have attempted to explain relevance of your chosen articles, however, as mentioned above, you need 1 specific intervention and you need to explain how the findings of that study is relevant to your PICOT. You have not noted which one is most likely to lead to positive outcomes.
*Headings/Paper title needs to be bolded.

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