You’ve learned about some of the nonmedical aspects of veterinary medicine: clie

April 16, 2024

You’ve learned about some of the nonmedical aspects of veterinary medicine: client interaction, staff interaction, office equipment, inventory, and paperwork. Now, it’s time to put that knowledge to use.
Instead of taking a final proctored exam, you’ll write a research paper. This research paper should be completed, submitted, and graded before you continue to your next course.
As a veterinary technician, you’ll become adept at researching information, both for your own use (continuing education) and for client educational purposes. You should familiarize yourself with the methods of research and be able to analyze, interpret, and understand the material you’ll find. Rewriting this information in your own words will also help you assimilate the information.
Attached I have added the requirements, along with an outline that I have started and with a few drafts 

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