Your task is to find TWO pieces of news that relate to the topics we have learne

April 18, 2024

task is to find TWO pieces of news
that relate to the topics we have learned in
chemistry so far.
For EACH piece of news, you will provide:
· A link to
the news article with proper APA style referencing (see Communications Notes, the APA referencing guide provided
with this assignment, or this link:
· A BRIEF (3-4 sentence)
summary of the article including information about what happened, where,
and why it is significant.
· An explanation
of the chemistry concepts involved in the story, in a paragraph. Be sure
to use correct terminology from class and explain the theory in detail. Explain
how this information was
relevant to the story.
· A personal comment about your thoughts
on the story.
Both articles
cannot be related to the same course content. Choose two articles that differ
in the chemistry applications you have learned in the course.
You do NOT have to use a piece of print news. You can also use podcasts or videos, as long as they are from RELIABLE sources.
You do NOT have to use a piece of print news. You can also use podcasts or videos, as long as they are from RELIABLE
sources. Good places to start 

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