Your objective for the assignment is to create a political party which will invo

May 7, 2024

Your objective for the assignment is to create a political party which will involve you informing the class about your organization and persuade them to vote for your party. You will understand how a political party/ party platform is created and a political party’s role in the election process. The following information should be included in your presentation:
1. Party Name: Example- Republican Party
2. Party Symbol: – A logo of your party
3. Party Slogan: Example- Libertarian Party: Minimum Government, Maximum Freedom
4. Party Mission Statement: Example- Democrats believe that we’re greater together than we are on our own—that this country succeeds when everyone gets a fair shot, when everyone does their fair share, when everyone plays by the same rules. Our party is focused on building an economy that lasts—an economy that lifts all Americans.
5. Party Platform: Issues: Where does your party stand? Pick 5-7 of the issues on the next slide to include in your platform. Explain your party’s beliefs in on each of the issues. I gave you some specific points under each issue to get you thinking. You may need to do some research first before commenting on them.
What is your Party’s Platform?
Foreign Policy- ISIS, U.S. involvement in Middle East, global war on terror.
Energy- Natural gas (Fracking), alternate sources of energy.
Health Care- Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare). Should the government provide healthcare to its citizens?
Environment- Should the Federal government be involved in protecting the environment? Should there be penalties for companies who pollute? Setting more land aside to be protected.
Immigration/ Border Security- Amnesty for illegal immigrants, punishment for companies who hire illegal immigrants. Building a wall on America’s border with Mexico.
Taxes- Tax increases or cuts for wealthy/ middle class/ poor, raising income tax %, or going with a flat tax (%) rate.
Gun Control: 2nd Amendment Rights – Stronger or more lenient gun laws.
Equal pay for women- Should companies be forced to pay women the exact same wages for the same job that a man does? Is this a decision for state governments, federal government, or private companies?
Raising the Minimum Wage- Should the current federal minimum wage of 7.25 an hour be raised? To what amount? Is this a decision for state governments, federal government, or private companies?
Education- School vouchers, common core standards- should federal government be involved in public education?
National Security- How will your party’s policies protect the country. Balancing citizens’ individual freedoms with national security.
You will create the project individually using PowerPoint. Please understand that you are creating your own political party. You are not giving me information on parties that already exist. This is your chance to be as creative as possible. 

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