Your Ideal Self  Assignment Overview This writing assignment explores how you wo

July 4, 2024

Your Ideal Self 
Assignment Overview
This writing assignment explores how you would describe yourself to others. 
A  600 word essay
MLA Format
Citations needed
Step 1
Review the information from the current chapter in your text.
Step 2
Write an essay fully including the answers to the following questions.
In this exercise, you compared your actual self to your ideal self. Another comparison can be made between the “ought self” (whom I think others wish I would become) and the actual self. List the traits of your “ought” self. Is that self-based on your parents’ desires for you? Your friends’ wishes for you? Someone else’s hopes? Are these traits very similar, or dissimilar, to your actual self? Discrepancies between the “ought” self and the actual self can lead to feelings of guilt. Was this true for you?

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