Your Final Project Research will compile and annotate at least four credible sou

May 7, 2024

Your Final Project Research will compile and annotate at least four credible sources that help you understand the meaning and history of the topic you have chosen for your final project. These sources can be either academic or from popular websites that provide credible background on the artifact you have chosen to write about (for example, The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction). Other relevant types of sources include, but are not limited to, interviews with authors/directors, reviews/critiques, popular histories, credible videos, and so on.
Once you have found your sources, please complete an APA style annotated bibliography that does the following:
Lists your sources alphabetically in APA bibliographic format.
Answers the following questions in the annotation: 1. What is the source about? 2. What did it teach you that you did not already know? 3. How is it useful for your project?

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