Your final assignment this semester is to write an essay responding to the follo

May 19, 2024

Your final assignment this semester is to write an essay responding to the following prompt:
The past 10-12 years have been a tumultuous period for police in the U.S. The institution of American policing is facing a prolonged crisis – perhaps the most serious in its history –in which its legitimacy is being challenged and many segments of society are demanding major reform. Identify one of the important problems or issues facing police today that has contributed to this crisis, analyze it in-depth, and discuss potential solutions to the problem/issue.
You must incorporate information, examples, and concepts from course materials throughout your essay. You may also incorporate information that you discover through your own research, but doing so is not required.
4-6 pages (~2000-3000 words not including reference page, title pages, or headers).
Double-spaced, standard 12 point font).
If you cite materials outside of those assigned in the course, a reference page is required (APA format is preferred).
If you do not cite outside materials, a reference page is not required. However, when you refer to course materials in your essay, it should be clear what you are referring to.

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