Your 4-6 page report articulates your entrepreneurial solution, as well as chron

May 20, 2024

Your 4-6 page report articulates your entrepreneurial solution, as well as chronicles your journey in developing it.  It will also contain an assessment of the entrepreneurial solution and  personal reflection on what you have learned in the course. Please use the Final Project Template. Your Final Project is worth 15% of your final grade and should include:
Specification Sheet (1 – 1.5 pages): Really describe your entrepreneurial solution. 
What were the initial products and services you would offer? What are the features? In other words, what is it you are selling? 
Who are are you selling it to? Why do you think this makes sense based on your primary and secondary research?
What is the value proposition for your idea? 
Assessment Report (1 – 1.5 pages)
How did your solution evolve? How has your products services changed? How has your value propostion changed?
What findings from the VPC impacted your idea? How did this information change your solution?
What did you learn from looking at the competition and substitute products? From looking at what already exists, how are they similar to your idea? What seems to be your point of difference?
Based upon what you know so far, to what extent do you think your entrepreneurial solution is an entrepreneurial opportunity worth pursuing? Why or why not?
What would you research next?
Reflection on Your Entrepreneurial Mindset and Process(2 – 3 pages)
Refer back to your earlier homework assignments. For full credit, please name the course materials  and specific assignments/class activities.
How has your mindset and/or way of thinking changed throughout the semester?  
Have any of your entrepreneurial goals or priorities shifted?
How about your ideas and attitudes about risk? 
Looking to the future, are there things that you want to challenge yourself with? Relax about? 
Name three class activities and/or course materials and/or assignments that were particularly impactful in shaping your entrepreneurial mindset. Share why you found them helpful.
What are three things you learned from the course?
What are ways you plan to continue developing your entrepreneurial mindset? 
Anything else you want to share?
My Idea :
– 24-hour fitness gym franchise that has different membership offers and offers as well wokrout classes ( Yoga, Pilates, Boxing , Spinning etc.)
Starting in New York ( big cities in the US)

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