You are a lawyer for Chemco, Inc., a multinational corporation (EU & US), that s

April 28, 2024

are a lawyer for Chemco, Inc., a multinational corporation (EU & US), that
sells chemicals to businesses for further use and refinement. Chemco’s Human
Resources Department is engaging HRIS, Inc., an Austin, TX-based company, that
will manage all employee data worldwide. HRIS, Inc. is located in Austin, TX,
as is the infrastructure where all corporate employee data will be processed.
All employees are EU citizens. You have been asked to draft a Data Protection
Agreement based on the EU Standard Contract Clauses for the protection of
exported data from Chemco Ireland, Ltd., your Ireland corporate entity to HRIS,
You are to write a 5–7-page paper outlining the issues with collecting
this information, an analysis of what privacy laws are implicated, and any
other issues that may arise

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