You will submit two reading responses across the semester. The expected word cou

May 19, 2024

You will submit two reading responses across the semester. The expected word count of these responses is 750-1000 words. In this assignment you are encouraged to primarily focus on 1 reading. The goal of this assignment is to deeply engage with the main arguments of the reading and discuss the significance to the field of queer and trans studies and/or to consider how the concepts and ideas can be applied to a specific example, case study, or recent event.
reading: Chapter two “What’s wrong with normal?”
in The trouble with normal : sex, politics and the ethics of queer life by Warner, Michael, 1958- authorNew YorkFree Press199941 – 81
Reading Response #1 Prompt:
Select one reading and reflect on how the author thinks about the potential and/or limitations of queer and trans studies. Here are some questions to consider: What kind of story do they tell about queer and trans studies’ past, present, and future. What are their thoughts about queer and trans politics at the time of their writing? What kinds of subject, histories, and social movements do these authors engage in and how does that shape their arguments?
In your response you can include more than 1 reading but it is not required. The main goal of this assignment is to deeply engage with 1 reading.

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