You will submit a 5–7-page paper that synthesizes your experience in the course

July 6, 2024

You will submit a 5–7-page paper that synthesizes your experience in the course and what you learned about intercultural communication. Synthesizing means combining. Instead of summarizing the main points of each chapter in turn, put together your experience and concepts learned to give an overall picture of what your learned on the topics. Use your voice in writing and ensure to situate yourself in ways that you feel comfortable as you discuss course concepts. How have the chapters enriched your knowledge on intercultural communication? demonstrate your progress in achieving the courseoverall learning objectives and outcomes (see page 1 of syllabus). Use APA citation to reference your source(s) as contained in the links in your syllabus. Use Times New Roman Font, 12-points size, and double-space. Write at least 5 full pages (excluding title and reference pages). 

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