You will need to go to doc 1 semester clas s under module 5 ASSIGNMENT 1: APPLIE

May 5, 2024

You will need to go to doc 1 semester clas s under module 5 ASSIGNMENT 1: APPLIED RESEARCH TOPICS
Throughout this module, you have been exploring potential doctoral study topics and evaluating their viability. For this Assignment, based on what you learned through your peer and instructor interactions in the Discussion, refine your ideas and document potential doctoral study topics related to your area of interest. 
Remember: The Journey Log provides an opportunity to reflect on and document your learning throughout this doctoral seminar. Be sure to take this valuable resource with you so that you can refer to it as you progress through your program of study. It will help you keep track of your thoughts and ideas along with how they evolve over time. 
you will submit your Journey Log discussiusing the attached document on with all five parts completed. 
save your discussion as M5Assgn1_LastName_Firstinitial

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