You will interview a local business owner on economic impacts to their business.

May 4, 2024

You will interview a local business owner on economic impacts to their business. This is your chance to pick a business that interests YOU.
I am expecting at least 4 full pages of text (double-spaced, 11-point Times New Roman Font, normal margins) summarizing your findings AND a cover sheet AND a reference page. I will need the name of the business, owner interviewed, contact information for owners, as well as all group members on the title sheet.
Research the company before the interview. If they agree to an interview, I suggest sending the questions ahead of time. To write the paper, you need to find out how the business is impacted from an economic perspective. I’m not going to give you the exact questions to ask. Some companies may be uncomfortable sharing SOME details. They may have trade secrets. I’m just looking for information that is publicly available.
Possible questions: if the stock market crashes, how will this impact the business? If gas prices double, how will that impact their business? Where are they getting supplies from (international vs domestic)? If their supplier becomes unavailable, do they have others? If the shipping companies go on strike, how long can they operate? (Do they need daily deliveries?). What did they learn from COVID? Did they make any changes? What is the most negative economic impact that could happen to the company… and how are they preparing? How have they cut costs during inflation? Do they have to pass the costs to their customers?
You are required to tell me who you actually interviewed.  

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