You will conclude the course with your reflection on what you’ve learned. This i

April 21, 2024

You will conclude the course with your reflection on what you’ve learned. This is not a knowledge dump, but rather a thoughtfully written response addressing how you apply what you learned to your daily life. To guide you through this response, you will return to the course’s “Big Question.”
In an increasingly visual world community, how can you apply the art historical skills of close looking and analysis to expand visual literacy in your personal, artistic, and/or professional lives?
Don’t spend a lot of time with a lengthy introduction. Instead get right to the matter at hand. Answer the Big Question!
Be specific in your answer. I don’t want to know how someone could generally apply these skills, but how you specifically can or have.
Evidence and Support:
Provide 3-4 specific examples to support your answer. These examples must come from the class to demonstrate that part of this class has impacted your life outside of the classroom. This is important to address as it helps to fulfill the general education requirements of the class.
This might be bringing something from class, a specific skill, to an example you see around your lived experiences.
This might be using a specific artifact or work of art we looked this semester that left a lasting impression on you.
Again, be specific here. Don’t talk about looking at art in general. Give specific examples and connect them to your life. Be sure that these examples support your answer!
Finish your essay with a closing paragraph that reflects back. Look at your notecard from the first day of class. Consider the following questions:
How has that answer changed? What do you think now?
What about this class left a lasting impression on you?
If you had to tell another Wildcat why they should take this class, what would that be and why?
This is a reflection essay and as such you can use the 1st person and tell me your opinion. But remember that you should support those opinions and views with evidence to explain why you have those opinions.
This paper can be written without using any sources. But if you do, you must cite properly.
Images & Labels
Any works of arts that you reference in your response should include an image with a proper label. Refer to the Citation page for how to format these labels.
Is your paper proofread, free of sloppy errors (misspellings/typos)? Have you clearly presented the above information thoughtfully, rather than a list of answers?

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