You will complete an article review, using 6 peer-reviewed journal articles on o

June 15, 2024

You will complete an article review, using 6 peer-reviewed journal articles on one forensic-related subject/ topic of crime scene investigations. 
You will write a minimum of a 1500-word article review. Choose from one of the forensic-related subjects presented in the text or module. The subject must focus on a technique or methodology (e.g., bloodstain pattern analysis, or fingerprinting). For this assignment: 
Provide a brief overview description of the chosen topic technique or methodology and how it applies to crime scene investigations.
For each article:
Write a general introductory background about the article.
Summarize the information in the article, including the specific findings from the article’s study (e.g., statistics as appropriate and describe how it applies to the technique/methodology you have selected. 
Discuss the significance of the article’s findings for criminal justice practitioners and administrators.
Use the Saint Leo Library to identify at least six, peer-reviewed journal articles written in the last 5-10 years) and describe how they support/apply to the subject selected. 
Other types of articles/sources will NOT be accepted (e.g., websites, theses, dissertations, magazines, and newspapers articles are not peer-reviewed, and books are not articles).
Use the Library’s advanced search feature and click on “peer-reviewed” to filter accordingly.

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