You should explore some aspect of policy, regulation or ethics related to social

April 24, 2024

You should explore some aspect of policy, regulation or ethics related to social media.
Social Media and Policy/Regulation 
Potential topic focus:
Should social media be regulated by the Government?
Consider the following in your response:
Current regulation regarding online content (Section 230 of Communication Decency Act)
The First Amendment
In the Age of social media, Expand the Reach of the First Amendment
Free Expression on social media
Free Speech and social media
Social Media and Ethics
Ethical issues pertaining to social media are related to law, policy, and regulation; but are focused on:
– individual participation on social media
– business models and terms of service
– community and group interactions on social media
Key focus areas to explore include:
Transparency vs. Privacy
Anonymity vs. Transparency
Political Advertising and Content
Ethics and social media
Social Media and Privacy
Protecting personal information is of primary concern with any online activity, particularly with social media.
This assignment is meant for you to explore your own online activity to determine how much data is gathered on you.
Web Browsing Activity
Review your online activity be researching your browsing history and cookie folder.  We will discuss the process in class.
After reviewing your data, answer the following questions:
How many cookies are listed in your browser data file for cookies?  Are there any identifiable cookies that surprised you?
If you periodically delete your history, you will have limited data; however, you should have enough data to provide some analysis of you online activity.
Facebook Privacy Settings
Review your Facebook Privacy Settings.  Do you recall setting these in the past, or more recently?
After reviewing your privacy settings, answer these questions:
Why have you set your privacy settings at certain level?  If you have not set them in past, what levels do you desire them to be?
Re-set your privacy settings for a day or two to see the impact on your Facebook postings, or messaging.  Do you notice any significant difference in the postings that appear on you Facebook home page?
Writing assignments (3-5 pages) will be graded according to whether they satisfy the assignment; effectively analyze one or more main ideas from the text with critical thought, arguments or questions; and evince clarity of expression and explanations. Include a reference page.

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