You may format or structure your writing in any way you think makes logical sens

May 1, 2024

You may format or structure your writing in any way you think makes logical sense to a reader. DO NOT just write the question and answer below it. I want you to think through the information you are giving. You should also cite the videos and readings which you are using in your assignment.
Please take care that you are thoughtful in your responses, you thoroughly explain every point you are trying to make, and that you do not let careless mistakes like spelling, punctuation, or grammar affect the quality of your work. Therefore, you must edit and proofread your work before submitting it to be graded. The work you submit should ALWAYS be your best work.
Part 1: Writing and Reflection
The student will identify and describe, in writing, their selected two dances based on the prompts below.
Dance #1: Bharatanatyam, a classical Indian dance (provide video citation and link)
Identify your selected dance. Describe the historical background.
Based on your reading and research, how is the dance connected to religion and what category would you connect it to? Would it be Imitation, Medicine, Commemorative, or Spiritual Connection? You might not know for sure but use your judgment based on your reading and research.
From your research, does it connect to a specific religion or celebration? If yes, share your findings.
Body – Who is dancing? What parts of the body (bodies) are moving (isolation’s or full-bodied movements)?
Time – How are the dancers moving in relationship to rhythmic patterns? Do patterns repeat?
Space – Do you see floor patterns, directional changes, level changes, or specific shapes?
Effort (dynamics) – Describe the efforts the dancer makes with their body (bodies). Are the movements soft and rounded, or sharp and direct?
Dance #2: Kathakali, a classical Indian dance (provide video citation and link)
*Repeat the above questions for your second dance.
– Provide specific descriptions of the dance to support your interpretation and create an image for the reader.
Part 2: Compare/Contrast:
Compare and contrast the movements between your selected dances.
Compare the dances historical contexts to today’s contemporary form. How has it changed?
Has commercialization/tourism affected this dance?    
Drawing connections from the two videos you selected, identify the category in which the spiritual/religious dances fall under and if they are similar or different. Identify what makes them similar/different (ex: Dances of Imitation, Medicine Dances, etc.) (ex: The videos both portray people in masks)
Describe and Interpret how aesthetics are present in the dances. How do historical contexts support the aesthetics?
*Some additional questions to consider.
When was it first created? 
Is there a meaning behind the dance? Is there any national and/or spiritual/religious/celebratory significance? 
What is the costuming for the dance? Is there any significant meaning behind it? (Colors, shapes, makeup)
Where is it performed – on a stage, outside/inside, a temple, site-specific? 
Who performs this dance – anyone, skilled dancers, a specific gender, specific members of the community? Identify if there is a reason behind who is “allowed” or encouraged to perform the dance.

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