You can choose to explore the muscular adaptations to strength or endurance trai

May 20, 2024

You can choose to explore the muscular adaptations to strength or endurance training, nutritional aids to enhance performance or facilitate muscular hypertrophy, the mental health benefits of exercise, high altitude training for aerobic performance, etc. Whatever you found interesting, this is your chance to learn more. 
You will write a minimum 4 page paper on your topic. You should use a minimum of 5 sources, at least 2 from peer-reviewed journals (academic journals). A strong paper will have the following:
1. An introduction to your topic. Why are you interested in this topic and how it is relevant to the sports world and/or exercise physiology.
2. Background on the topic. What is known? Use several sources supporting the evidence you find about your topic. You should use data from research on the topic to support your statements. 
3. Is there conflicting information and if so what is it? What is unknown and what are ways that these questions can be answered. 
4. Conclusion. Wrap up your discussion. Revisit your supporting statements and why this topic is relevant.
5. You will be scored on the quality of your writing. Proper spelling, and grammar are expected. If you struggle with this, please have a classmate edit your paper prior to submission, or visit the writing center. 
Cover page (not included in the page count) with name, title, APSM 3311 Applied Exercise Physiology, and Word Count
12 point Times New Roman Font, Double spaced, 0.75 inch margins. 
Citations in APA format.

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