You are at the end of the course. At this point, you are aware that academic dem

July 3, 2024

You are at the end of the course. At this point, you are aware that academic demands have increased significantly, and you have had to employ additional expectation and time 
management skills.
This assignment employs you to reflect on your experiences this semester and ensure that you are moving forward succeddfully as you prepare for the fall semester
construct a 1-to 2- page reflection answering the following questions 
-What did you learn about yourself?
-Did you change anything about how you completed coursework? if so, in what area and why?
-How might you do things differently in the fall?
-What if anything, did you take away from this course/
-What did you find interesting about completing the Patient Education Brochure? Did creating your own give you thoughts about handouts you have read or seen in the past?

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