You are a community leader or social media influencer with a respectable profess

June 30, 2024

You are a community leader or social media influencer with a respectable professional reputation. Your followers want to know your perspective on a social issue you care deeply about. Even though you are passionate about the issue, you know, as a professional, you must use social media responsibly since it can influence others.
To prepare a media message for your targeted audience, take the following steps:
Select 1 sociological theory that best reflects your view on a social problem. You will use this theory as you discuss the social problem.
Select 1 topic below that is important to you, your community, your career, or an organization where you work or volunteer (select an issue you have not already addressed in an assignment):
1 social problem based on economics
1 social problem based on race/ethnicity
1 social problem based on gender
1 social problem based on sexuality
1 social problem based on aging
1 social problem based on deviance
1 social problem based on substance use issues
1 social problem based on health/ability

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