Writing Assignment Instructions In your essay, please use knowledge you’ve gaine

July 3, 2024

Writing Assignment Instructions
In your essay, please use knowledge you’ve gained in course to address the prompt: How is the poverty experienced by children in the film likely to impact them when they are in the period of emerging adulthood?
Your goal is to connect concepts from our class, the articles on emerging adulthood, and the film on children growing up in poverty.
This is not merely an opinion paper, you must refer specifically to information in the articles and our textbook by using appropriate APA citations and references.
For our textbook:
Narrative Citation:
Steinberg (2017)
Parenthetical Citation:
(Steinberg, 2017)
Steinberg, L. (2017). Adolescence. McGraw-Hill.  
For the film:
Narrative Citation:
Neumann (2017)
Parenthetical Citation:
(Neumann, 2017)
Neumann, J. (Director). (2017). Poor Kids [Film]. WGBH-TV.
Information needed to cite and reference the articles is provided in Canvas with the article links.
Essay Requirements
Papers must be at least 3 full pages (not counting title page or reference page)
You will need an APA formatted title page.
You will need a 200- to 250-word abstract that summarizes your paper.
Your paper must conform to APA (7th ed.) format and style
See Canvas for information on APA Style
Do not use any quotations. Paraphrase instead.
Do not summarize the film in detail.
Your paper should not contain contractions, colloquialisms, questions, typos, grammatical errors, etc.

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