WRITING AN OBSERVATION PAPER Each of your two observation papers should be a min

May 11, 2024

Each of your two observation papers should be a minimum of 450 words (approximately 2, or more, type-written pages, double-spaced, 12 pt. font). Papers may be longer than two (2) pages. 
Paper 2 should be uploaded to Blackboard, submitted, or emailed () by 11:59pm Friday, May 10th.
Papers may be turned in prior to the due date. 
I am happy to read drafts and provide feedback.
For Paper 2, select one of the following: 
Isadora Duncan Baccahnale (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJZ6OBkUQl0)
Jose Limón There is a Time (Excerpt) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5c-o154OF2g)
Bill T. Jones Arnie Zane Company What Problem? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TpOoP_YvWw) 
Approach this assignment as an opportunity to apply some of the concepts you are learning in class. Select and watch a recorded performance. Take notes or re-watch your selection so you feel comfortable writing about what you have seen.
Give the name of the performance (and the scene in Paper 1)
note: dance titles should be underlined or italicized. Follow my lead above.
How do you feel about this dance? What stands out to you? In a nutshell, how would you explain what you watched?
Describe moments or movements which stand out for you (a big lift, a dramatic leap, a romantic embrace, the use of a scarf, the swinging of a sword, etc.)
Describe the accompaniment (classical music, jazz, aggressive, calm, etc.)
Describe the costumes. What do the costumes tell you about the dance/characters?
Tell me about how the space is used (Do the dancers stay in one general area of the stage? Crisscross the stage? Perform lots of lifts and jumps? Roll on the ground?)
Tell me about the energy in the performance. Is the dancer/character calm and placid or enraged and frenetic, or losing their mind and lost in grief, etc.?
What connections can you make with class conversations? What new understandings or appreciations do you have for the work or the artists?

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