Write two (seperate on same documanet) of these: Research: Look through news sit

June 20, 2024

Write two (seperate on same documanet) of these:
Research: Look through news sites and social media, watch or listen to news programs, and/or read newspapers/magazines to identify a current criminological event. This could range from street crime, to protests, to violence perpetrated by the state, etc.
Summarize: After finding 2 – 3 sources on your chosen current event, summarize what the sources discuss, and how they discuss/describe the event.
Critique: Using Radical Criminology, critique the current event you chose. Critique the event itself, how the news sources discuss/describe the event, and the response to the event by the public, the government, corporations, etc.
Formatting: Your critiques should be 1-2pages, single spaced using 12 pt font, with normal 1-inch margins. CITE ALL SOURCES. 

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