Write  two additional shorter papers for 5 extra credit percentage points each (

May 16, 2024

Write  two additional shorter papers for 5 extra credit
percentage points each (for a total of 10 possible extra credit percentage points on your final paper
assignment grade). Each summary needs to be between two and four double-spaced pages using Times New
Roman 12 font and 1” margins around all four sides. For each summary, you must choose one original
scientific journal article (not a review paper or book) that was published in last five years and directly relates
to the topic of this course and focuses on brain functioning. Your summary should not have any headings or
title, but simply summarize the main points of the article, including the original findings and conclusions.
Include a separate title page that includes your name, the name of this course and semester, and my name as
instructor. You must include the full citation of the paper you are summarizing on this title page.  

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