Write the recommendation report (memo style) to Helen, recommending a pilot test

June 24, 2024

Write the recommendation report (memo style) to Helen, recommending a pilot test of the non-
glare monitors in Reggie’s unit. Keep in mind that Brad Thomas will eventually see this report as
well. He values numbers and will appreciate quantitative analysis. You may include visual displays
of data (i.e., graphs, tables, charts, or other) in the text, but also Brad will want one that he can
reference later. Your visual deliverable will be handed in separately on BB and will be some kind
of data visualization that supports your recommendation. Also keep in mind that the report will
need to be persuasive, as Brad may have competing demands on his discretionary funds.
You will need to find 3-4 articles to use (you can start with the library databases) as well as
credible websites. See the videos on BB for assistance in finding the articles that will be helpful to

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