Write an essay discussing the role of disguise in literature.

July 7, 2022

Essay question (20 pts.) Choose one of the following three questions and write a short essay response. These responses should be thoughtful and developed should include direct quotations from the text(s) at hand, and should be at least 3 to 5 paragraphs in length.. **For these questions you may consider texts from the first half of the semester if you wish.**
1. In a considerable amount of literature from many different cultures and from many different periods, the heroine disguises herself in order to perform some unusual task, often related to saving her husband or beloved. Write an essay discussing the role of disguise in literature. Discuss in your essay “The Red Lotus of Chastity” (page 960-967) and at least one other text. (Note that you can go beyond the texts covered in our class for the second text here.)

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