write an analytical essay of up to 1200 words on how Climate Change or COVID 19 affects cooperation between the states and within the United Nations and the entire system of global governance.

June 10, 2022

Your task is to write an analytical essay of up to 1200 words on how Climate Change or COVID 19 affects cooperation between the states and within the United Nations and the entire system of global governance. The analytical essay requires you to formulate some sort of argument or put forth a position. Your main argument will be the crux of your essay, and it will be conveyed in your thesis statement. A strong and concise thesis statement should be supported and proven in the body of the essay. The students will have to use credible resources and show a deeper understanding of the topic.

As good examples, I recommend analytical essays on various topics in the Foreign Policyhttps://foreignpolicy.com and Project Syndicate https://www.project-syndicate.org online journals. For example, the Foreign Policy accepts essays that “spark debate among specialists but also engage and inform a general-interest reader, based on the rigorous analysis presented in clear, accessible prose.” Project Syndicate prefers original commentary that analyzes current global events and trends, thereby giving deeper meaning and context to their coverage.

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