write an 800 to 1,000-word essay in which you respond to Cadogan using your own experiences and observations.

April 2, 2022

https://lithub.com/walking-while-black/?fbclid=IwAR00nbDnPcoE7BJOUZgQL8nxFckVR0vsDWdC9hUXtERwmxmhuRw7HVSDwTI Based on our conversations as a class about the ways Cadogan maps his spaces and what affects the ways he moves through those spaces, and our conversations about how we move through the spaces we’ve been discussing and what affects that movement, write an 800 to 1,000-word essay in which you respond to Cadogan using your own experiences and observations. From the following, choose one way that: 1. Cadogan’s narrative helps you notice something you didn’t notice before about how we move through spaces; OR 2. Cadogan’s narrative helps you explain something about the ways we move and what affects that movement that you couldn’t explain before; OR 3. Cadogan’s narrative may not help you explain something you’ve noticed because you’re seeing something differently than the author (Note: This doesn’t mean spending your essay explaining how Cadogan is wrong, but rather, how what you’ve noticed is different than what Cadogan notices, and why your experiences might be different from his)

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