Write a single, unified essay of about 5 or so pages (typewritten, double-spaced

May 2, 2024

Write a single, unified essay of about 5 or so pages (typewritten, double-spaced, free of grammatical and typographical errors) on ONE of the topics listed below (making comparative reference to two of the assigned texts). Note: this is your LAST paper assignment. Now is the time to shine. Give me your best effort, producing your most thoughtful essay thus far.
“When, therefore, I call women slaves, I mean in a political and civil sense; for, indirectly they obtain too much power, and are debased by their exertions to obtain illicit sway.” Wollstonecraft, p. 167.
“The man slave has multiplied his forces, has had need to appeal to yours to break his chains.  Freed, he became unjust towards his companion.  Oh women! women, when will you cease to be blind?”  de Gouges, p. 9.
“The slave revolt in morality begins when ressentiment itself become creative and gives birth to values: the ressentiment of natures that are denied the true reaction, that of deeds, and compensate themselves with an imaginary revenge.” Nietzsche, p. 36.
“The sick woman especially: no one can excel her in the wiles to dominate, oppress, and tyrannize.” Nietzsche, p. 123.
Clearly Nietzsche is a misogynist, and his sexist views are outrageous and lamentable because we all believe in equality for women. Or–do we dare ask–does he have a point?  Comment.

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