write a report on an international or internal conflict which occured after 1945.

May 17, 2022

Each student will write a report on an international or internal conflict which occured after 1945. The focus of the report needs to be on the conflict termination/resolution effort. For example, did the government(s) try to settle the war through negotiation, or were they seeking a complete military victory? In this report, you will briefly provide the information on the history, origins, and the actors involved in the conflict and their motivation for fighting and terminating the war. You also need to explain whether you think the conflict appears to be grievance-based or greed-based conflict. Again, the core of the paper needs to be on explaining the conflict resolution/termination effort.
As far as the format of the paper is concerned, use 12pt font (times new roman) and one-inch margin all around. When you borrow someone else’s idea, please be sure to cite. You can use any of the generally accepted citation formats such as the American Political Science Association Style, APA Style, and Chicago Style.

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