Write a post of at least 200 words in two parts: The first part of your first po

June 30, 2024

Write a post of at least 200 words in two parts:
The first part of your first post should compare the point of view of Desmond Lachman with that of Sadek Wabha.  Address the following questions in your post: what is the greatest point or two of agreement between the two writers, in your judgment? What is the greatest point or two of disagreement/difference between them? Do either or both seem to suggest any useful and constructive ways forward, in your judgment (and why)? You may, if you wish, also bring into consideration ‘ways forward’ suggested by the author of our assigned Great Decisions chapter 4 and/or the optional opinion piece by Diana Furchtgott Roth! 
The second part of your first post should give your reasoned opinion one on of the following questions (your choice!), based on our Great Decisions piece(s), showing clear use of the knowledge you have gained from Great Decisions itself, as well as other assigned readings from the previous module, as relevant:
1. If we regard China as a national security threat, should a U.S. denial strategy attempt to slow China’s overall economic development, or just its military development? (Great Decisions question 4-2, slightly modified)
2. If we regard China as a business opportunity, are there any products that should not be sold to China? Where should be line be drawn? (Great Decisions question 4-5, slightly modified)

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