Write a four-page response paper.
The paper should be a critical response to the material read from the textbook.
Analyze all of the content given the understanding developed during the class discussion.
Include five in-text citations/quotations. You may use your lecture materials and textbook for three of the sources. Two sources must be researched.
These papers represent the depth of understanding of the legal and social approaches reviewed during the course. Response papers are not an overview of the material read, rather a critical view of what you think about the assigned material for the week.
Support your answers with at least 5 references.
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IShDpXap_z0
– Newburn, T. (2007). “Tough on Crime”: Penal Policy in England and Wales. Crime and Justice, 36(1), 425–470. https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/592810?read-now=1&seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents World criminal justice systems: a comparative survey.. World criminal justice systems: a comparative survey.Terrjfjf
-Terrill, R.J. (2016). World criminal justice systems: a comparative survey. England pp. 1-76
For the sources try your best to access the book: World Criminal Justice systems and if you’re not able to access the Jstor website for the article “Tough Crime” please let me know.
ALSO SEARCH 2 MORE WEBSITES FOR SOURCES They should be published within the last five years, scholarly journal articles, or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions).
Write a four-page response paper. The paper should be a critical response to the
May 24, 2024