Write a five-paragraph illustration essay (no less than 400  words) on one of th

June 23, 2024

Write a five-paragraph illustration essay (no less than 400  words) on one of the topics listed below. You may go over the word count, but remember that the more you write the more room there is for errors. You need an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Your essay needs to be typed in 12-point, Times New Roman font, and double-spaced. Look at Sample Illustration Essay.rtf to see what your essay should “LOOK” like. Your essay should include your name, the instructor’s name, the class (ENG 1113VS02E), and the date. Don’t forget to title your essay. This not a sourced essay. Any use of outside sources will result in an automatic zero.
The essay must be composed in MS Word and saved as a doc document or saved as a PDF. DO NOT CUT, COPY, AND PASTE YOUR ESSAY INTO THE MESSAGE BOX. IT WILL NOT BE GRADED.

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