Write a descriiptive essay about a person who left a good impression on you.

February 6, 2023

Write a descriiptive essay about a person who left a good impression on you. Choose three things to describe about a person or place you most admire (paragraph 2 must describe the person, physically).
Write about: Barack Obama.

Follow the 5-paragraph model essay. Be sure to include a strong thesis statement. This essay needs to be at least 800 words.


Demonstrate ability to write well-developed, coherent, unified essays of a minimum of five hundred words in various rhetorical styles.

The student will carry out the process of prewriting, drafting, revising, proof-reading, editing and finalizing eight short essays of approximately 800 words (three body paragraphs plus introduction and conclusion paragraphs) of different rhetorical types as both in-class and out-of-class assignments.

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