Write a 525- to 700-word student handout in which you answer the following quest

July 4, 2024

Write a 525- to 700-word student handout in which you answer the following questions: 
How is the word myth used in popular culture? For example, what does the statement, “It’s a myth” mean? In contrast, how is the word myth used in the academic context? 
What are the most common mythological themes across different cultures?  
Why do myths from different cultures around the world address such similar or universal themes? Think about how myths explain the unknown and the tribulations of humankind. 
What are creation myths, and what purpose do they serve? What similar themes appear in creation myths across cultures? 
Include a reference page at the end of your handout. Use a citation generator, such as the Reference and Citation Generator in the Center for Writing Excellence, for guidance on formatting your reference list using APA format. Don’t worry about perfection. If you make a mistake, your faculty member can help, so please let your faculty member know if you have any questions.

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