Write a 500 word essay — Pick one of the Bill of Rights and show the Constituti

June 17, 2024

Write a 500 word essay — Pick one of the Bill of Rights and show the Constitutional limits of this amendment.  Complete and save your essay in your word processor (Microsoft Word, WordPerfect etc).  Remember to do a spelling and grammar check. It is always a good idea to have a proof reader check your work as well.
When submitting the essay, place the question in your word processor and answer the question. Spell check, grammar check and proof-read your assignment, and then upload your assignment. Post discussions to the discussion board and do not send via email. All other work is sent as email attachments.
Remember, it is your responsibility to save a copy of all of your work.
There are TWO essays due for this course – each worth 20% OF YOUR TOTAL GRADE! The First essay is assigned in Week 3 and the Second essay is assigned in Week 7. The essays MUST be a minimum of 500 words and are graded on content, structure, grammar, and originality. I expect an introduction, body, and conclusion. You must cover both sides of the topic or the Pros and Cons. PLAGIARISM is strictly forbidden and will be checked on TURNITIN.COM – DO NOT make that mistake! You may work ahead so don’t wait until the last minute to submit your essays. Essays submitted late will be given consideration for partial credit.

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