Write a 5-7 page paper (not including Works Cited/References List) to some of th

April 18, 2024

Write a 5-7 page paper (not including Works Cited/References List) to some of the prompts and questions below
Your paper should be 12 point font and double spaced
Your paper should have an introduction, body, and conclusion
Research and reflect on knowledge learned in the classroom and at your internship to support your paper
Identify at least two (2) Justice Studies courses you have taken, include the full name of the academic course(s) to support your paper (include content from Professors, textbooks, or class readings)
Include any other supporting sources about your internship, career, or injustice in a Works Cited/Reference List
Utilize grammar and spell check before submitting your paper
Include a Works Cited/References List in accordance with APA or MLA format
Review the Grading Rubric to familiarize yourself on what your paper will be graded on

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