Work/life balance is often challenging for many adults. In criminal justice, it

June 26, 2024

Work/life balance is often challenging for many adults. In criminal justice, it can be even harder. Those in the criminal justice field are often required to work overtime, be on-call, or be available to be called into the office on a moment’s notice when a crisis occurs. Adding coursework to your already demanding schedule can be overwhelming. When adding coursework into the mix of life, it is critical that you best use your time so you can attend to other duties in your work and personal life. Being able to complete your degree will get you one step closer to your goals. Your studies at Walden University can assist you in increasing your skills to create positive social change.
To Prepare:
Look ahead at all your assignments to see the requirements in Week 6.
Ensure you consider the time you will need to review the Learning Resources.
The Assignment:
Using the template in the Learning Resources, plan out your next week as best as you possibly can. Account for every hour in the week, including time for sleep, work, social/personal activities, schoolwork, etc. This is the only document you are required to turn in this week.
After you have completed this, set it aside and print out a blank template. Throughout Week 6, fill in the blank template based on how you actually spend your time during the one-week period. At the end of Week 6, in one page, you will compare the planned schedule and how your week actually played out. As part of your reflection, you will discuss the importance of time management and how this impacts your progress as a student.

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