With respect to the four pathways referenced by Shambaugh, what will be China’s

May 23, 2024

With respect to the four pathways referenced by Shambaugh, what will be China’s pathway?(you will write about the soft authoritarian path ) Why would that pathway be the most likely and how would it come about? In your answer, refer to the economic, social, political, and global reasons why that pathway is the most probable. And explain why the other three pathways are less likely than the one you discuss. Finally, compare and contrast your analysis with that of Shambaugh to explain how your outcome mirrors or differs from that of the author of China’s Future.
For the following essay, write a five to seven page paper addressing the prompt. Make sure to incorporate David Shambaugh’s China’s Future as well as the text’s arguments and evidence into your essays and address the main issues raised by the book. Please make sure your papers follow these formatting guidelines:
• Separate cover page
• Standard 12 point Font such as Times, Times New Roman, or Helvetica
• Normally spaced margins and double-spacing
• Proper form of citation with a works cited page if using outside sources
• A total of five to seven pages (not including cover page and works cited)
Four Pathways
○ Neo-Totalitarianism
○ Hard Authoritarianism
○ Soft Authoritarianism
○ Semi-Democracy
● Pick Which One You Think is the most likely
○ Defend your position
■ Talk about the economic, social, political, and
global reasons why you think whichever
pathway is the likely one
● Tell us why the other three pathways you did not pick are unlikely
or unviable
○ Defend again
■ Talk about the characteristics of the ones you
did not pick and why they’re not viable
● If you disagree with how the author speaks of your chosen
pathway discuss why or why not
The Source is the book Chinas future. 

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