When creating the treatment program please pay careful attention to the Level of

May 4, 2024

When creating the treatment program please pay careful attention to the Level of Care that the program will be licensed to operate off of, as well as the staff that is required to operate a treatment program, especially  the Director and Clinical Director, Master Social Worker, Social Workers (BSW), Addiction Counselors, Peer recovery Specialist, Housing managers and housing manager assistants and Case Managers. You can get a more informed knowledge of levels of care if you access 
cmn_asam-supplemental-booklet—interactive-final.pdf . You can also use information from this pdf to cite as well.  The program will be an adult treatment facility that  Out-patient (OP), Intensive Outpatient Services (IOP). Please include the acceptance of clients from the judicial system court ordered program and how it is an alternative for the client not to be imprisoned any longer, but must be compliant with the program as a stipulation of their release. Please include that the program also recieve clients on the Home Monitoring Program who must pay their own fees to the monitoring program and will have 24 hr observation by housing managers who are employees of the program. This program will have various homes to house female and male clients individually. 
e located in a different  Please follow the directions that I have included in the link below and there are links to works citings that I have included on the last page. I have included what I think will be helpful , but please let your creativity flow. You can use other references to get the job done too!

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