what were the factors which inspired them to kill innocent Boston Marathon spectators, including women and young children whom they mingled with only minutes before setting off their bombs?

January 29, 2023

Nidal Hasan on the exterior was a successful man who was a serving mid-grade U.S. Army Officer and an educated professional psychiatrist. What was really going on with Nidal Hasan on the inside, and what were the factors that contributed to his turning on fellow soldiers and gunning down 13 of them when they were unarmed in an office building? The Tsarnaev brothers were off-spring of Central Asian immigrants who greatly benefited from American society by leveraging the social welfare system and taking advantage of educational assistance. They were far better off than their close relatives still living in former Soviet Republics, so what were the factors which inspired them to kill innocent Boston Marathon spectators, including women and young children whom they mingled with only minutes before setting off their bombs?

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