What method of organization does the writer use- point by point or block?

November 10, 2022

Read the essay “Not as Different as One Would Think” and answer the following questions.
Question 1. What is the main purpose of this essay? Begin with The purpose is….
Question 2. Which three things (points of development) about Brazil and the United States does this essay compare?
Question 3. What method of organization does the writer use- point by point or block?
Question 4. What is the hook for this essay? Write it here.
Question 5. Write the thesis statement. Is the thesis restated in the conclusion? If yes, write the sentence that restates the thesis.
Question 6. In paragraph 2, the author describes the size of Brazil and the United States. List the supporting information the writer uses.
Question 7. Reread the concluding paragraph of the essay. Does the writer offer a suggestion, an opinion, a question, or a prediction?
Question 8 is uploaded in the additional material section.

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